NRC Committee



  台灣海洋大學、靜宜大學國家講座教授蕭錫延,日前獲美國國家科學院(National Academy of Sciences)提名為美國國家研究委員會魚蝦營養需求量委員會(National Research Council Committee on Nutrient Requirements of Fish and Shrimp)委員,該委員會除美國委員外,另提名五位國際委員,分別來自台灣、英國、法國、挪威及加拿大。

  NRC的Nutrient Requirements of Fish and Shrimp為國際間最權威具有指標意義的魚蝦營養標準,1977與1993年分別制訂了第一與第二版標準,今(2009)年初美國國家科學院決議制訂第三版。值得一提的是,日本為水產大國,過去為該委員會委員,蕭錫延教授因過去二十餘年魚蝦類營養研究成果備受肯定,取代日本獲選為亞洲地區唯一委員,這是台灣水產營養研究在國際上一項重要殊榮。

  NRC第一次委員會議已於今年2月18-20日於美國華盛頓州Seattle市舉行;第二次委員會議即將於9月16-18日在美國麻州Woods Hole召開;明年3月22-24日將在美國華盛頓DC美國國家科學院總部舉行第三次委員會議;三次委員會議之間,另外每月均定期舉行一次全體委員視訊會議。在最後一次委員會議中將完成全球魚蝦營養需求標準的制訂。



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Nutrient Requirements of Fish and Shrimp

Statement of Task

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National Research Council

Purpose and Principles


Carrying out the responsibilities assigned by Congress to the National Academy of Sciences in its Act of Incorporation, the National Research Council reports to the government whenever called upon, By Executive Order of the President, the NRC promotes the development of new knowledge in the natural, social, and applied sciences and the use of this knowledge to benefit the public welfare by


● strengthening the national security,

● contributing to economic growth,

● ensuring the health of people,

● fostering improved education, and

● aiding in the advancement of environmental and other national goals.


The NRC surveys the broad possibilities of science, engineering, and medicine, promoting cooperation in research, at home and abroad, and directing the attention of scientific and technical communities to the value of their knowledge to the achievement of national goals. It assesses the state of current understanding that helps to illuminate public policy decision making and broadly disseminates its works throughout the world.


The core values of the National Research Council include:


● independence from sponsors' influence

● balanced approach and objectivity

● distinguished experts serving pro bono in the nation's interest

 high quality work products based upon careful deliberation and analysis in a neutral forum

● evidence-based findings and consensus recommendations subject to rigorous peer review by independent experts

● intellectual honesty and respect for ideas


Adopted by the Governing Board August 8, 1998