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Nutrient Requirements of Fish and Shrimp


A committee of approximately 10 members (with expertise in energy, protein, vitamin, and mineral nutrition; nutrient bioavailability; feed composition and feed additives (including toxicology and pharmacology); diet formulation; practical feeding; and nutrient excretion and aquatic ecology) will be appointed to undertake the study.  During the course of three or four meetings, the members of the committee will conduct a comprehensive review of the scientific literature and relevant sources of data on fish and shrimp nutrient requirements and feeding considerations, with a particular focus on new information acquired during the past decade.  An effort will be made throughout the study to solicit input and provide opportunities for public comments, through mechanisms such as public forums in conjunction with scientific meetings and specific requests for information from interested agencies, organizations, and individuals.  Researchers, fish industry professionals, regulatory and feed control officials, consultants, and others will be given an opportunity to provide input on various aspects of fish nutrition.

